Monday, November 10, 2008

Make Something Monday: I Made It All Come Together!

Last week I showed you the cute little pouches I made with wire-edged ribbon. I spent several days trying to come up with a good use for them.

In the meantime, I had subscribed to David Weiman's Jewelry Seller Newsletter, and he had a terrific article about giving your existing customers gift certificates to pass along to their friends. He said, "you should accept that although there are some people who enjoy referring business to you because it makes them look like an expert, there are others who would recommend you, but they need a nudge." (I heard about this terrific resource on another blog but sadly can't remember which one. If it was yours please let me know and I'll be happy to credit you here.)

I've often tucked discount cards or promotional flyers in the packages I ship, but never thought to include something for my customers to share. And I know that many people open their package, take out the items they ordered, and toss all the paper without even glancing at it.

Then the light bulb clicked on--what a perfect use for the ribbon pouches! I made some discount cards, one for the customer to use and one for his or her friend, and tucked them into a pouch. It's interesting enough that most people will at least open it, it's quick and inexpensive to make, and I think it looks really nice.

This post was inspired by Jolly Mom and Go Graham Go!, the ingenious moms behind Make Something Monday. We'd love for you to join us next Monday!

Make Something Monday


Felicia said...

What an excellent idea! That is genius actually! I know as a customer I would love to have the little pouch as a bonus when I opened my package!

And just so you know..html DOES make me cry! I am still trying to figure it out! That's why my site still looks a little funky! LOL!

Unknown said...

This a great way to use the pouches! I know I would open it!

Andrea said...

What a creative idea!

Anonymous said...

That, my friend, is a genius idea!

Unknown said...

I was curious if had monthly ads space available on your blog instead of the PW ads. I would really like to put an up with you & have it run for a month (or more) but PW ads kinda flux & flow & I never know if I will get knocked off the page.

Anyhoo, I was just curious about running a 125X125 or I would be happy to run a different size if you want to make room for it. :) Could you give me an idea of cost, if you are interested in doing this? Thanks for considering it.


Anonymous said...

Just had to drop by and say what a great job you're doing. I love all the creative ideas you come up with! And to show my appreciation, there's a blog award for you over at my blog.

FreeStyleMama - Diana said...

Great idea!

Mitzi said...

Fantastic idea! I would definitely open up this pouch. I too am always trying to come up with a way to make my cards, coupons, and flyers more appealing! Great job!